Archive for the 'What we are about' Category

Happy New Year

December 29, 2006

Over the years as blogging has become more and more popular I have been debating whether I should jump on the blogging bandwagon. I knew that in order to be a good blog I had to make sure I could dedicate the time needed.

 I decided that 2007 would be the year I would begin blogging. This blog will basically cover the in’s and out’s of real estate investing with a strong slant towards the financing aspect.

I feel that putting the financing aspect into a blog covering real estate investing would be pretty unique as most real estate investing guru’s do not talk to much about the financing.

As we go along you may see why, it seems that most of the creative techniques in real estate investing go against the grain of traditional lenders.

Over the next several weeks and months I will do my best to share my knowledge with you so you can be best prepared to tackle your real estate investing career.

 Until next time

Danny Garcia
